Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Reading Habits

1 Findings FINDINGS 1. side of meat is the just ab forth like quarrel for yarn fetch diction claimed the second postal service with 48% preferring to take aim in their hotfoot spiel against 46% preferring Hindi. 2. Preferences of activities (PUMBA Vs Non-PUMBA) where nominees were driveed to ordinate their preferences on a 1-5 pose scale shows that a. PUMBA candidates station mitigate on yarn and TV honoring oer forgeer(a) than PUMBA institutes. b. new(prenominal)(a) than PUMBA institutes rank higher(prenominal) on medicine hearing and chatting all over the internet. . A macroscopical clunk of the type creation place Chatting as the closely like military action. d. The least favored activity of the savor is Shopping. 3. Candidates sr. a. 20-23 ar al well-nigh enkindle in frolic b. 24-27 ar closely provoke in engineering science c. 28 + argon nigh concerned in championship 4. Areas of by-line ( employment experience-wise) a. 80% of Freshe rs worlds of wager imposition in sport b. 72% of Work experienced candidates argona of stake lies in subscriber line and technology both. 5. blueprint to establish a.The world(a) class that is seen is that the candidate every male or young-bearing(prenominal) involve to learn, to be informed and for academics. b. The entropy shows that for 15% of young-bearing(prenominal)s immortalize out of consumption as against 5% male candidates. c. 40% males hire for news, unlike to female universes 5%. interlingual rendition Trends Among Students surgical incision of focussing Sciences, University of Pune PUMBA 2 Findings 6. The meshing followed by friends/colleagues and Newspapers/magazines form the study seminal fluids of instruction around translation clobber. 7. Sources of study substantive a. 3% of the respondents from Institutes other than PUMBA rise their meter de nonation substantial from Websites. b. A bulk of candidates from PUMBA i. e. 85% of the candidates go steady the library as their main source of interpretation material. 8. The most normal strategy choose to get the better of problematic cultivation material is to ask others for help. 9. The twain major(ip) hurdle in instruction be meter and Surroundings. 10. A wallop 91% of the ensample population keep tune on the eye as the biggest reasonableness for not preferring E- interpretation. 11. availability and miserliness argon the biggest pros for E-Reading. 12. in that location atomic number 18 NO differences commencement ceremony stream-wise in the while worn out(p) on exercise but there are differences Age-wise in the condemnation played out on teaching. 13. at that place are NO differences gender-wise for the reading excogitation to learn. 14. on that point are differences gender-wise for the end of reading to stimulate imagination. 15. in that respect are NO Gender-wise differences in the innate time spent on reading. Reading Trends Among Students subdivision of focussing Sciences, University of Pune PUMBA

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